miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016

Ingles 3° años A, B, C Y D


  1. Names
  2. Surnames
  3. Date of Born
  4. Age
  5. Mother's name
  6. My father´s name
  7. My brothers and siste's name:
  8.  namesAdress
  9. Grandparent´s
  10. My aims in the life

40 comentarios:

  1. 1.name
    MY name is ESCARLETH
    MY DATE OF BORN IS 21/5/2001
    MY AGE 14
    8. nameANDRESS
    My address is san jose street race 8 with 5 “c”
    My grandparent’s are juana,yobany,nancy,Jaime
    10.my aims in the life
    My life is obtained electromedicina study,to be doctor have ma home and work

  2. 1) name
    R= my name is sonia yuliana
    R= my surnames is rodriguez flores
    3)Date of Born
    R= my date of brorn is on frebury 15, 2002
    R=I have 14 years
    5)Mother's name
    R=My mother's name is sonia
    6)My father´s name
    R=My father's name is julian
    7)My brothers and siste's name:
    R=my name is julian brother and my sister and yulieth estefany and sonia
    8)names Adress
    R=my address is "el cercado colinas del pinar "
    R=the nomdres my grandparents sono nelly, juan y amando
    10)My aims in the life
    R=my goal in my life is to have a building or a business with my family and during all that be very happy

  3. 1) Mi nombre
    Anthony José
    2) Apellidos
    Florez Contreras
    3) fecha de nacimiento
    22 de marzo de 2002
    4) Edad
    14 edad
    5) Nombre de la madre
    Karen Contreras
    6) Nombre del padre
    Josmar Carrasco
    7) Hermanos
    Josmar, Anibet , Marioska y Salomón
    8) Dirección
    Tierra Negra
    9) Abuelos
    Oscar, Margarita, Gertrudis, Simón, Solfanis, Hernando
    10) mi objetivo en esta vida
    Estudiar lo suficiente para ser alguien en esta vida

    Anthony florez
    CI: 28.498.532

  4. Answer:

    1) Name:

    My name is Vanessa Carolina.

    2) Surnames:

    My surname León Hernández.

    3) Date of Born:

    My date of born October01, 2001.

    4) Age:

    14 years.

    5) Mother's name:

    My mother is Reymar.

    6) Father´s name:

    My father is Ender.

    7) My brothers and sisters name:

    My sister’s Valeria and Eva, Brother Sebastian.

    8) Name Address:

    My address is Indio Manaure Sector 9.

    9) Grandparents:

    My grandparents are Reina and Rolando (Mother), Rosa and
    Gilberto (Father).

    10) My aims in the life:

    Out electro medical technician, graduate mechatronics engineer, work, have my last car model and travel the world.

    Vanessa León.
    3ero "D"

  5. -Name
    Daniel Antonio.
    - Surnames
    Torres Cordero.
    - Birthdate
    April 25, 2001.
    - Years
    14 years old.
    -Mother's name
    -My father's name
    -My brothers and sisters
    Rachel and Onis.
    Barrio Union, Race 4 between 13 and 14.
    My grandmother Maria Martinez and my grandfather Moses Lamb.
    Mainly I want to dedicate my life to the Lord, I want to study to be a mechanic, I want to be a good person and help others, I also want to have a family and live happily ever after.

    Daniel Torres
    C.I 27760843
    3ero "B"

  6. *Name
    Peña Azocar
    *Date of Born
    October 24,2001.
    *Mother's Name
    *My father´s name
    *My brothers and siste's name
    *Names Adress
    Indio manaure sector 8 y 9.
    *My aims in the life
    Studying, Having money , having a family and help other people,And be as humble as possible

    Denny Peña
    C.I: 28.204.000
    3° ''C''

  7. 1) My name
    Kevin Alejandro
    2) Surname
    Parra Barrios
    3) date of birth
    4) Age
    age 14
    5) Mother's name
    Verlin Neighborhood
    6) Name of father
    William Parra
    7) Brothers
    Brayan Parra Parra and Kimberlin
    8) Address
    Yaritagua Sector Las Piedras
    9) Grandparents
    Bernardo, Mirella, William, Ismene
    10) my goal in life
    Studying to be someone recognized

    Kevin Parra
    CI: 28,127,068

  8. 1.Names
    Wilandry Enrique

    Godoy Romero

    3.Date of Born
    February 22nd, 2001

    I have 15

    5.Mother's name
    Yorlis O Romero A

    6.father´s name
    Wilmer E Godoy R

    7.My brothers name:
    Wilder E Godoy R and
    Yosberth D Romero A

    8. namesAdress
    In Macuto Main Street Sector "2"

    mother's side: Juan de la Cruz O
    father's side: Carmen Coral Godoy R

    10.My aims in the life
    graduate to have a good base, being proud for my family and give an example for others.

    Wilandry E Godoy R
    "3er" año seción "C"
    N de lista :11

  9. *Names: My name is Maria Clara
    *Surnames: my family names Acosta Torres
    *Date of Born
    I was born on 5 October two thousand and one
    I'm fourteen years old
    *Mother's name
    The name of my mother is Beatríz
    *My father´s name
    My father's name is Hernan
    +My brothers and siste's name:
    I have three sisters. Their names are Maria Alejandra and Maria Jose
    I live in the race 35 between 22 and 23
    I have no grandparents, they died
    *My aims in the life:
    I want to be an engineer in mechanics
    I want to live in panama
    I want to marry and make a home
    and I want to change the future of my country

  10. *Names: My name is Maria Clara
    *Surnames: my family names Acosta Torres
    *Date of Born
    I was born on 5 October two thousand and one
    I'm fourteen years old
    *Mother's name
    The name of my mother is Beatríz
    *My father´s name
    My father's name is Hernan
    +My brothers and siste's name:
    I have three sisters. Their names are Maria Alejandra and Maria Jose
    I live in the race 35 between 22 and 23
    I have no grandparents, they died
    *My aims in the life:
    I want to be an engineer in mechanics
    I want to live in panama
    I want to marry and make a home
    and I want to change the future of my country

    Alumna: Maria Clara Torres
    CI: 29.654.034
    "3er" año sección "C"
    N de lista: #24

  11. Names: My name is Maria Valentina
    Surnames: my surnames is Pargas Pacheco
    Date of Born: I was born on 15 March two thousand and one
    Age: 15 years old
    Mother's name: The name of my mother is Marianella
    My father´s name:The name of my Father is
    My brothers and siste's name: I have one Brother and one sister, Their naes are Maria Daniela (9 years old) and Daniel Alberto (13 years old)
    namesAdress: I live in the urbanization Concordia 4 house number 9-a
    my grandmother name is corteza
    and my grandfather's name is Wilfredo
    My aims in the life:
    I want to be an graphic designeR
    I want to have money
    And I do not want to die....

    and girlfriend of Justin Bieber

  12. 1) My name
    dilan josue
    2) Surname
    rodriguez quintero
    3) date of birth
    October 22, 1999
    4) Age
    age 16
    5) Mother's name
    liliana quintero
    6) Name of father
    pedro rodriguez, jesus alberto aguilar
    7) Brothers
    alberto, carlos, yeilian, sebastian, asli
    8) Address
    Black earth
    9) Grandparents
    alirio.gladys, daysi.jesu
    10) my goal in life
    Studying for a better future for my family and my mom

    dilan j rodriguez
    "3er" año seción "C"
    N de lista :13

  13. 1) My name
    dilan josue
    2) Surname
    rodriguez quintero
    3) date of birth
    October 22, 1999
    4) Age
    age 16
    5) Mother's name
    liliana quintero
    6) Name of father
    pedro rodriguez, jesus alberto aguilar
    7) Brothers
    alberto, carlos, yeilian, sebastian, asli
    8) Address
    Black earth
    9) Grandparents
    alirio.gladys, daysi.jesu
    10) my goal in life
    Studying for a better future for my family and my mom

    dilan j rodriguez
    "3er" año seción "C"
    N de lista :13


  14. 1) Name :
    My names are Ender Javier .
    2) Surname:
    My family names Cordero Valenzuela.
    3) Date of birth:
    I was born on October 31, 2001 .
    4 years:
    Study in 3 D
    5 ) Mother's name :
    My mom called Jenny Valenzuela.
    6) The name of my father :
    My dad is called Jose Luis Cordero .
    7) My brothers and name consists :
    My brother's name is Jose .
    8) Address names :
    The fenced " green deck " .
    9) Grandparents :
    My grandparents are Emiliana Graterol , Enrique Valenzuela and Jina Benuet .
    10) My goals in life:
    Study , graduate , fulfill all my goals , marry , form a family and be all my life with the person I love .

  15. • Names
    My names is María José
    • Surnames
    My surnames is González Guillen
    • Date of Born
    August 27,2001
    • Age
    14 years old
    • Mother's name
    The name of my mother is Norma
    • My father´s name
    The name of my father is José
    • My Brothers and siste's name:
    Their names are Salomón and Andrea
    • NamesAdress
    Duaca, in the urbanization Reinaldo bravo house C-9
    • Grandparent´s
    My Grandmother name is Pastora
    I have no grandfather... They died
    • My aims in the life
    I want to graduate
    I want to be a professional
    I want to be an psicóloga
    I want to marry and make a home.

    Estudiante: María José González
    CI: 28.204.035
    "3er" año sección "A"
    N de lista: #13

  16. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  18. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  19. 1) name:
    R= my name is Axel Reyes
    2) Surnames:
    R= my surnames is Reyes Querales
    3) Date of Born:
    R= My date of birth is February 12, 2001
    4) Age:
    R= I have 15 years.
    5) Mother's name
    R=My mother's name is Naila Querales
    6)My father´s name
    R=My father's name is Alex Reyes
    7) My brothers and sister's name:
    R=My brothers names are Yoel and Alejandro.
    8) names Adress:
    R= Urbanization Ruezga North sector 2 House number 1
    9) Grandparent´s:
    R= My grandparents names are Maria Elba, Pablo, Pedro.
    10) My aims in the life:
    R=My main goal is to be a somebody in life and that my parents are proud of everything that I am.
    Student: Axel Reyes
    Year and section: 3rd A
    CI: 27.883.078
    List number: #11

  20. 1) name:my name is Carlos
    2) Surnames:my surnames is Rodriguez alfonzo
    3) Date of Born:My date of birth is 22/12/00
    4) Age:15 years
    5) Mother's name: nerides alfozo
    6)My father´s name: Angel Rodriguez
    7) My brothers and sister's name:Aldring_jesus_Ricardo_Eduardo_Emily_Veronica
    8) names Adress:UBR Ruezga sur sector 6 Bloque 6 home 1/04
    9) Grandparent´s:Maria_Miriam
    10) My aims in the life: YO ORITA ES GRADUARME Y DIFRUTAR DE LA VIDA *.*

    Student:Carlos.Rodriguez *.*
    Year and section : 3er A
    list number:#11

  21. 1) Names:
    My name is Victoria Valentina.

    2) Surnames:
    My surnames are Martinez Lopez.

    3) Date of born:
    My date of born is September 29, 2000.

    4) Age:
    I have 15 years.

    5) Mothe's name:
    The name’s my mother is Edith Lopez.

    6) Father's name:
    The name’s my father is Jackson Martinez.

    7) My brothers and sister's name:
    The name’s my sisters are Nohelia Aveledo and Sofia Martinez.

    8) Name adrees:
    My adress is El Roble Via Las Veritas.

    9) Grandparents:
    My grandsparet’s name are Ramon Lopez, Andrea Rivas, Romulo Orozco and Evelia Martinez.

    10) My aims in the life:
    My aims in life is to be a teacher of English.

    Student: Victoria Martinez.
    Year and section: 3rd A.
    C.I.: 27.524.528
    List number: #3.

  22. 1) Name: My name is Monica Olivad
    2)- My surnames are Home Martinez
    3)-My date of born is March 15,2000.
    4)-age: 15 years
    5)-Mothe's name: is Zurima Martinez
    6)-Father's name: is German Home
    7)-My Brothers: Moises Home
    8)-Name adrees: My adrees is Sabana Grande el cuji.
    9)-Grandparents: Is Maria Monica labrador, Oliva dorado,luis carlos home,rafel martinez.
    10)-My aims in the life: My aims in life is graduate.

    Alumna: Monica home
    Seccion/año: 3"A"
    C.I: 28.548.038

  23. 1) Name :
    My names are Ender Javier .
    2) Surname:
    My family names Cordero Valenzuela.
    3) Date of birth:
    I was born on October 31, 2001 .
    4 years:
    Study in 3 D
    5 ) Mother's name :
    My mom called Jenny Valenzuela.
    6) The name of my father :
    My dad is called Jose Luis Cordero .
    7) My brothers and name consists :
    My brother's name is Jose .
    8) Address names :
    The fenced " green deck " .
    9) Grandparents :
    My grandparents are Emiliana Graterol , Enrique Valenzuela and Jina Benuet .
    10) My goals in life:
    Study , graduate , fulfill all my goals , marry , form a family and be all my life with the person I love

  24. Names:
    Daniela Esther
    Jiménez Aranguren
    Date of Born:
    15 Age.
    Mother's name:
    My mom called Rossamelia Aranguren
    My father´s name:
    My Dad is Called Daniel Jiménez
    My brothers and siste's name:
    My sister is called Daniely Jimenez and my brother called Ezequiel Barazarte
    I live in Ali primera Via Duaca Km 4
    My grandmother called Rosa Vasquez And My Grandfather is called Fran Aranguren
    My aims in the life:
    My goals in life are : Studying architecture, have my home, work , graduate , be successful in life

  25. 1) name:
    R= my name is jose alberto
    2) Surnames:
    R= my surnames is silva orellana
    3) Date of Born:
    R= My date of birth is september, 2000
    4) Age:
    R= I have 15 years.
    5) Mother's name
    R=My mother's name is miguelina orellana
    6)My father´s name
    R=My father's name is wilmer silva
    7) My brothers and sister's name:
    R=My brothers names are juan and miguel
    8) names Adress:
    R= Urbanization san felipe
    9) Grandparent´s:
    R= My grandparents names are marina diaz y pedro silva.
    10) My aims in the life:
    R=My main goal is to be a somebody in life and that my parents are proud of everything that I am.

  26. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  27. Names:my names are ruben alejandro

    Surnames : my surnames son luque perez

    Date of Born 07/ 5/ 2001

    Age 14

    Mother's name socorro perez

    My father´s name claudio luque

    My brothers and siste's name: Erika luque Daniela luque Damelys luque Eucari luque

    namesAdress av black first with February 14 (black earth)

    Grandparent´s: nicomedes luque , mansimina gonzales , Maria Yepez , Victor Perez

    My aims in the life :be a professional footballer

  28. 1) Names: My name is Luis David.
    2) Surnames: My surnames are Carreño Castillo.
    3) Date of born: My date of born is June 03, 2001.
    4) Age: I have 14 years.
    5) Mother's name: The name’s my mother is Thais Castillo.
    6) Father's name: The name’s my father is Argenis Carreño.
    7) My brothers and sister's name: The Name’s My Brothers is Argenis Carreño and The Name’s My Sisters is Maylis Carreño.
    8) Name address: My address is San Lorenzo, Macias Mujica, Sector C, Casa N. 20, and La Perseverance.
    9) Grandparents: My grandsparent’s names are Gilberto Castillo, Rita Josefina Perez and Josefina Viloria.
    10) My aims in the life: My aim in life is Graduate of Bachiller, Life in España, have in The Wife what my Love and I Am Music Professional.
    Alumno: Luis Carreño
    Año y Sección: 3ero D
    C.I. 28021777
    N. de Lista: #08

  29. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  30. 1. Names
    My Name is Argenis de Jesus

    2. Surnames
    My Surnames are Carreño Castillo

    3. Date of Born
    My Dat of born is June 3, 2001

    4. Age
    I have 14 years

    5. Mother's name
    The name´s my mother is Thais Castillo

    6. My father´s name
    The name´s my father is Argenis Carreño

    7. My brothers and siste's name:
    The name´s my sisters are Maylis Carreño and Luis David Carreño

    8. namesAdress
    My adress is San Lorenzo, La Perseverancia

    9. Grandparent´s
    My grandparent´s name are Josefina Viloria, Geronimo Carreño, Gilberto Castillo y Rita Perez

    10. My aims in the life
    My aims in life is Graduarme de Medicina, Estudiar para ser Médico Cirujano y Sacar un Doctorado en Medicina Forense

    Alumno: Argenis Carreño
    Año y Sección: 3 “D”
    CI: 28021775

  31. my name
    Emmanuel Jesus
    Figueredo Escalona
    14 years
    _Mother's name
    the name of my mother is Gisela Yulimar
    _my father´s name
    the name of muy father is Oscar Jesus
    their names are Yosimar_maikel_gregorio_yosmaikel
    Mari angelica_maria of angels and bassinets
    _name address
    San Lorenzo
    Henrrique_juana and Juana
    _MI S objectives in the output
    For a time is graduating but also want to enjoy life no boring studying Pure and clear have to share !!

  32. my name
    Emmanuel Jesus
    Figueredo Escalona
    14 years
    _Mother's name
    the name of my mother is Gisela Yulimar
    _my father´s name
    the name of muy father is Oscar Jesus
    their names are Yosimar_maikel_gregorio_yosmaikel
    Mari angelica_maria of angels and bassinets
    _name address
    San Lorenzo
    Henrrique_juana and Juana
    _MI S objectives in the output
    For a time is graduating but also want to enjoy life no boring studying Pure and clear have to share !!

  33. Emir samuel aranguren

    my names is emir

    2) Surnames:

    my surnames is Aranguren Mendoza

    3) Date of Born:

    my born date is14/06/2000
    4) Age:
    my age is 16

    5) Mother's name:
    MY MOTHER’ IS aracelis
    6) Father´s name:

    MY FATHER’S IS samuel

    7) My brothers and sisters name:
    my Hemanas called lioselis and lioselin my brothers kervis , samiry samuel jose

    . 8) Name Address:
    My address is sector freedom 3

    9) Grandparents:
    my grandparents are called lucila and Jesus Mendoza

    10) My aims in the life:
    My goals in life are to be mechanical

  34. 1-Names :
    my name is arianna del carmen
    2-Surnames :
    pereira linarez
    3-Date of Born:
    My birthday is on March 15, 2001
    4-Age :
    I'm 15 years old
    5-Mother's name:
    my mother called ana pereira
    6-My father´s name
    my father is called linares alirio
    7-My brothers and siste's name:
    Erickson called my brother and my sisters are called eucaris and Rocsana
    8-namesAdress :
    My address is the valleys of urivana
    9-Grandparent´s :
    Enriqueta and my grandparents are orlando
    10-My aims in the life
    my goal in my life is to graduate to achieve is Cadre

  35. -Name
    Gallardo Querales
    -Date of Born
    21 Agosto,2001
    -Mothers Name
    Esmeraldad querales
    -My fathers name
    Jose Luis Gallardo
    -My brothers and siste's name:
    marcial pedomo y elvismar perdomo
    -Name Adress
    El jebe
    grasiela goyo
    -My aims in the life
    To help my family and graduated from assistant manager

  36. 1.Names: My names are Gianna Paola.
    2.Surnames: My surnames are Cedres Gonzalez
    3.Date of Born: I was born on October 30, 1999
    4.Age: I have 16 years
    5.Mother's name: My mom is called Mary Flor Gonzalez Alvarez
    6.My father´s name: My dad is called Giovanny Francisco Cedres D’ Luca
    7.My brothers and siste's name: I have five brothers , their names are Jesus Gonzalez, Luis Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Edgar Puerta, Jose Luis Puerta ( I do not have sisters).
    8. namesAdress: I live in the urbanization Eligio Macias Mujica street 5 house number ten ( My grandmother’s house)
    9. Grandparent´s: The names of my grandmother’s are, Carmen Alvarez, Ana D ' Luca and my grandfather Clemente Cedres.
    10. My aims in the life: I want to be graphic designer , professional ballerina , have money , HAVE MANY DOGS, that Venezuela be as above<3

  37. names : my name is Aaron
    Surname: Mora Milan
    Date of birth: March 3, 2001
    Years : 15
    Mother's Name : my mom is Raiza Milan
    The name of my father, my father is Fernadon Mora
    My brothers and sister name : Luis Mora , Samuel Mora , Mora Freeman , Darwin Torres and Jonathan Mora.
    Address names : Ali Primera
    Grandparents : Fernando Mora and Mora Nidia
    My goals in life: Making Money, help my family and my brothers and have a family

  38. Names: My Name Is Darwin Eduardo
    Last name: Perez Torres
    Date of birth: December 5, 2000
    Years : 15
    Mother's Name : my mom is Neibis Torres
    The name of my father, my father is John Arrieche
    My brothers and sister name : Luis Mora , Samuel Mora , Mora Freeman , Aaron and Jonathan Mora Mora I have no sisters.
    Address names : Ali First
    Grandparents : Elita Wenselao Perez Torres
    My goals in life: Graduating , work to earn money to help my family and my brothers and have a family

  39. 1. Names:
    My Name Is Angel
    2. Surnames:
    My Surmames Is Rivero Rivero
    3. Date of Born:
    My Date Of Born 14/11/2000
    4. Age:
    15 Years
    5. Mother's name:
    My Mother Is Lila
    6. My father´s name:
    My Father Jose
    7. My brothers and siste's name:
    My Sister Marlin
    8. Names Adress:
    My Adress Is San Jacinto
    9. Grandparent´s:
    My Grandparent Carmen And Rafael
    10. My aims in the life:

    I'll be Across Tecnico Automotriz , Then I Study Public Accounting
